T-ara makes 'Crazy' jump to top of weekly singles chart

Six-member girl group T-ara surged to the top of music cable channel Mnet's singles chart last week with their title track "I Go Crazy Because of You."

The latest song, the title track from their repackaged album, climbed seven slots between March 1 and 7 compared to the previous week to take their first win on the chart.The girls who released their album in late February had also topped several other online charts last week including Soribada, Dosirak and Monkey 3.

Former winner Kara fell to No. 2 with their new song "Lupin" while 2AM's "I Can't Let You Go" also dropped a spot to round off the top three singles.

Meanwhile, 2AM's first full-length album "I Can't Let You Go" was named the bestselling record of the week, kicking off three-time winner Girls' Generation off the charts. T-ara took control of the second and third positions with their repackaged album "Breaking Heart" and first record "Absolute First Album," respectively.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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