Hallyu star Kim Jeong-hoon's DVD debuts in Japan

Korean Wave star Kim Jeong-hoon has placed sixth on Japan's Oricon chart with a new DVD, according to his agency on Thursday.

The DVD, titled "John-Hoon TV", debuted at No. 6 on Oricon DVD daily chart on the day of its release, Mersenne said in a press release.The DVD shows Kim, known as "John-Hoon" in Japan, playing various roles such as a TV drama character, news anchor, television home shopping host and entertainment program MC.

Last year, in a poll by the Korean Wave magazine "Wanna Know More Korean TV Drama (Vol.32)", Kim was voted the most popular Hallyu star, beating out actor Bae Yong-joon.

Kim rose to fame in 2000 as a member of K-pop duo UN. When the group disbanded in 2005, he started acting in several movies and TV dramas, most notably in MBC's hit TV series "Goong". He has continued his music career in Japan, releasing seventh single "Blue Moon" which debuted at No. 7 on Oricon's singles daily chart in July.

The 29-year-old singer and actor entered the army in April to fulfill South Korea's mandatory military services.

His solo debut album in Korea, tentatively titled "Can't Get You Out of My Sight", has sold 20,000 copies since its release on September 1.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
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